Monday, December 26, 2022

Jamie Raskin opposes the Constitution!

Congressman, Jamie Raskin came out Sunday against the Constitution. He says that article 2 section one is dangerous. What's more dangerous, the Constitution or an ultra far left Congressman who thinks he's bigger than Democratic ideals?

"Rep. Jamie Raskin said Sunday the Electoral College “has become a danger” to American democracy.

Speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” the Maryland Democrat said: “I think that the Electoral College now, which has given us five popular vote losers as president in our history — twice in this century alone — has become a danger.”"

Martin O'Malley for Senate?

Mitch Daniels left offices governor in 2013. Now in his preliminary campaigning he's dramatically leading the pack for US Senate. Some people are saying Governor Daniels was never as popular as governor Martin O'Malley and they're pointing out that there is a lane for Governor O'Malley to take a senate seat. The only question is does he want to? One knowledgeable observer said if Martin doesn't want to run for Senate, his wife, Katie Curran O'Malley certainly could lay a whooping on candidates like Jamie Raskin.

"Daniels took 30-35 percentage points in every age group except 18-24 year olds—a range that includes voters who might have been in elementary school when Daniels left office. Of those respondents, only 7% chose Daniels."

Can Columbia survived do gooders?

Columbia is so perfectly suburbia that now they want to change it and make it urban.

"The project’s website is more blunt: “The Third City Between D.C. and Baltimore Has Come to Life!” it announces.

The densification mirrors a trend in other U.S. suburbs that are embracing live-work developments and a need to create more pandemic-resilient downtowns. Many are trying to transform themselves into “urban ‘burbs” — retrofitting the amenities, infrastructure and sensibility of traditional cities into spaces conceived as escapes from city life. But Columbia’s utopian genesis complicates the plan: The town is toeing a line between encouraging growth and adhering to all of the founding ideals — inclusivity and spatial openness among them — that Rouse got right. Creating a walkable downtown also necessitates confronting a stubbornly auto-oriented planning legacy."

How a Pioneering Garden City Is Grappling With Growth - Bloomberg 

Biden embraces Barbara Goldberg Goldman plan!

President Joe Biden embraces the Barbara Goldberg Goldman strategy. Naming names and confronting the Republicans is turning everything around for the president who is now favored to win re-election.

People in Maryland wanted to stop the president from running for election. Crazy plans from the far left became the order of the day. One idea was that if they could get Maryland to be a first five primary state that would make governor-elect Wes Moore, a potential vice presidential candidate. This idea being pushed allegedly by Susan Wolf Turnbull was a strange plan that if they could get Wes out of the way it would make lieutenant governor Aruna Miller governor and would effectively give Turnbull control of the state. All the air is gone out of the Turnbull trial balloon since loyal Democrats are supporting president Joe Biden. Maryland's chance to be a first five primary state and the odds of Wes Moore getting drafted onto a presidential ticket are between slim and none. At least not in 24.

"Regardless of the motivation, it’s clear that more provocative statements by Republicans, which earlier in Biden’s presidency might have gone unanswered, are now meeting with a swift White House response. Trump’s late-November dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West, sparked immediate rebukes from the White House, beginning with a statement from Bates.

Responding to inquiries from reporters about the dinner, which took place after Ye’s antisemitic comments sparked widespread backlash, the White House declared that Holocaust denial is “repugnant” and should be condemned. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre followed up by calling on other political leaders to disavow the dinner, saying, “When you do not speak out against these types of poisonous and dangerous kind of remarks or representation, if you will, that is also incredibly dangerous within itself.”"

Speaker Jones twice as important as Bill Ferguson

CommuniCare Health and the Wilhelm family are very generous givers, especially to Democrats in Maryland. One has to wonder when giving money out by the bucketful why would you want to give Bill Ferguson only $26,000 and Wes Moore governor-elect $59,000 but $60,000 to the Queen of all Maryland the honorable, good looking, and honest, Speaker Adrienne Jones.

It certainly appears that CommuniCare Health considers speaker Jones more than twice as important as Senate President, Bill Ferguson and slightly more important than wesmore. I think that's a pretty accurate appraisal right now. Speaker Jones is the unofficial queen of Maryland.

"Elections Board records show the following contributions from the Ohio company:

"Governor-elect Wes Moore ($59,000), House Speaker Adrienne Jones ($60,000), Senate President Bill Ferguson ($26,000), Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks ($20,500), State Comptroller Peter Franchot ($6,000), 21st District Delegate Ben Barnes ($4,000), 11th District Delegate Shelly Hettleman ($1,611), 41st District Delegate Dalya Attar ($1,250), and 40th District Delegate Antonio Hayes ($1,000), all Democrats."