Monday, December 26, 2022

Martin O'Malley for Senate?

Mitch Daniels left offices governor in 2013. Now in his preliminary campaigning he's dramatically leading the pack for US Senate. Some people are saying Governor Daniels was never as popular as governor Martin O'Malley and they're pointing out that there is a lane for Governor O'Malley to take a senate seat. The only question is does he want to? One knowledgeable observer said if Martin doesn't want to run for Senate, his wife, Katie Curran O'Malley certainly could lay a whooping on candidates like Jamie Raskin.

"Daniels took 30-35 percentage points in every age group except 18-24 year olds—a range that includes voters who might have been in elementary school when Daniels left office. Of those respondents, only 7% chose Daniels."

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